Safety Net Directory provides resources for Floridians in “coverage gap”
The Navigators program was created to help individuals and families in North Central Florida get healthcare through the new Health Insurance Marketplace. Too often, however, those seeking assistance do not qualify for discounts or tax credits through the Marketplace, nor do they qualify for Medicaid.
These low-income Floridians fall into the coverage gap, and the Navigators needed a resource to break their fall.
WellFlorida Council has recently published the Safety Net Healthcare Providers Directory, a comprehensive listing of free and low-cost healthcare providers in North Central Florida.
“With this directory, we are able to provide these individuals with a resource for their healthcare needs and those of their families,” said Navigators spokesperson Lauren Vagelakos.
Within the nearly hundred pages of the directory, those in the coverage gap and those who wish to help them can find free and reduced-cost services ranging from primary and dental care to mammography and mental health counseling.
Copies of the directory were provided to each Navigator, but anyone can access it at and
With this free and comprehensive resource, WellFlorida and the Navigators are taking a step toward basic healthcare for everyone in North Central Florida.
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