Local organization shares new cancer-related resources

June 14, 2011




WellFlorida News Release
GAINESVILLE, Fla. (June 14, 2011)—The North Central Florida Cancer Control Collaborative (NCFCCC) is providing new tools and resources for healthcare providers, and cancer patients, survivors, families and their caregivers through the organization’s website at www.ncfcancercontrol.org.

Are you or someone you care about looking for a breast cancer support group, searching for a boutique offering specially designed swimwear or interested in joining a fitness program for cancer patients? Now you can consult the recently updated Cancer Resource Guide of North Central Florida to find that information.

The Cancer Resource Guide of North Central Florida, compiled by NCFCCC, lists support groups, financial and caregiver resources, and home health agencies throughout the region. The guide also lists cancer‐related national organizations and their websites. A pdf version of the free guide can be downloaded from the home
page of NCFCCC’s website.

Also of use to the public and healthcare professionals, and located on the same website, is a newly released online calendar that focuses on cancer‐related events in the region and across the nation. Members of NCFCCC post events such as support groups, conferences, trainings, workshops and more.

The website now links viewers to the The Cancer Resource Blog . The blog will be an online exchange of information on cancer‐related topics, such as grant opportunities, research,
clinical trials and workshops.

NCFCCC serves as a networking, educational and community action venue for all who are committed to reducing the burden of cancer in North Central Florida. Active members include safety net healthcare facilities, rural primary care practices, hospices, hospitals and a variety of community stakeholder groups. Currently, WellFlorida is a partner to NCFCCC, providing management services such as fiscal administration, staffing, community outreach, and marketing and communications to the organization.

To learn more about NCFCCC, visit the website or call Jeff Feller, chief operations officer at WellFlorida Council, at 352-313-6500 ext. 115.

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