Navigators help consumers enroll on by Jan.31 deadline
Cedar Key News
Health Insurance Marketplace Navigators from WellFlorida Council will be providing free enrollment assistance to help individuals and families enroll or re-enroll in health insurance prior to the Jan. 31 deadline. The public is invited to attend an Open Enrollment event on Saturday, Jan. 30 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Luther Callaway Public Library, 104 NE 3rd St. in Chiefland.
Attendees should either bring or know the Social Security numbers for everyone who will be on their health insurance plan and supporting documentation of household income, such as tax returns and pay stubs.
Walk-ins and RSVPs are both welcome. To RSVP, call 352-441-0769. For more information visit
Navigators are trained and certified to provide free, unbiased help to explain insurance options and guide consumers through the enrollment process.
Open Enrollment for the Health Insurance Marketplace will come to an end on Jan. 31. Consumers must pick a health plan before the end of the month or face financial penalties. The fee for not having health insurance in 2016 is $695 per adult ($347.50 per child) or 2.5% of household income, whichever is greater.
WellFlorida Council, the local health council and consultant for health causes for the region, oversees the health Insurance Marketplace Navigator program for 15 counties in North Central Florida.
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