A healthcare perspective on sexual orientation and gender identities
The educational summit Understanding Sexual Orientations and Gender Identities: A Healthcare Perspective will take place on Friday, March 18, 2016 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Hilton UF Conference Center.
This is the first annual educational summit hosted by Suwannee River AHEC intended to provide healthcare professionals with a better understanding of gay, lesbian, bisexual, non-heterosexual and transgender populations. The goal of the conference is to provide information to create a climate of inclusivity and openness in healthcare settings and to increase healthcare providers’ knowledge of health disparities.
Who should attend? Physicians, nurses, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, researchers, educators, social workers, mental health professionals, healthcare administrators, nursing home administrators, occupational therapists and students from across Florida.
The event is sponsored by Suwannee River AHEC, WellFlorida Council, CDS Family and Behavioral Health Services, UF LGBT Affairs, LGBT Health, United Church of Gainesville, National Coalition for LGBT Health, DMD Training, Prairie Creek Conservation Cemetery, Jennifer Birmingham PA, and UF Center for Women’s Studies and Gender Research.
A registration fee of $75 includes all sessions, lunch, snack, professional networking and continuing education credit.
For more information on the conference and registration visit http://www.stellaredsolutions.org/#!blank/cwyo
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