Webinar provides info on health IT tools for veterans
For the millions of U.S veterans living in rural areas, quick and efficient access to healthcare information can be hard to come by. With the power of the Web, however, things are getting easier.
WellFlorida’s Kendra Siler-Marsiglio, Ph.D., spoke at HRSA’s Health Information and Quality Webinar on Friday, June 20, 2014. Kendra, who heads the CommunityHealth IT program, discussed MyHealthStory, a Web-based tool that allows veterans to share their health information from the Veterans Health Administration (VA) with their other healthcare providers.
CommunityHealth IT is one of many community-based programs funded by HRSA, a federal agency focused on improving healthcare access.
Kim Nazi, Ph.D., Senior Analyst for the VA’s Veterans and Consumers Health Informatics Office, also presented My HealtheVet at the webinar. The VA created this Web-based tool to serve the more than 3.2 million veterans under the administration living in rural areas.
Using these health information exchange tools, veterans can become more active healthcare consumers, access vital health information more easily and communicate with their healthcare providers more effectively.
The webinar can be downloaded at this link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rreqhgp979uzjl4/HRSA.HITQI.June20.2014Webinar-WithCaptions.mp4.
To learn more about health information exchange and MyHealthStory, contact Kendra at kendrasm@www.wellflorida.org.
By Jovahn L. Huertas, WellFlorida Intern
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