Citrus County Navigator to help residents get health insurance before the deadline
WellFlorida News Release
A Health Insurance Marketplace Navigator will be available to help individuals, families and businesses in Citrus County obtain affordable health insurance on the next two Mondays at the HPH Hospice Care Center in Lecanto.
Navigators are certified to provide free and unbiased information on the options available through the Health Insurance Marketplace created by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Open enrollment for insurance through the Marketplace ends Feb. 15. When Open Enrollment is closed, those wishing to enroll can only do so if they experience a life-changing event, such as having a baby or moving to a new state. The next Open Enrollment period begins Oct. 15, 2015.
Schedule an appointment with a Navigator to explore insurance options and sign up for a plan that meets your needs and budget by calling 352-464-0715. A Navigator will be at HPH Hospice Care Center of Citrus County at 2939 West Gulf Lake Highway, Lecanto, FL 34461 on Feb. 2 and Feb. 9 from 11 a.m to 3 p.m.
WellFlorida Council oversees the Health Insurance Marketplace Navigators program for 15 counties in North Central Florida. For more information, visit
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